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Scouts, Scouters, Parents, and Friends of Troop 661:

After all of these years we have finally gotten a digital photo gallery on line so you can access it through the internet. The idea has been tossed around for close to five years, but now we can all access the photos of our Scout trips and events.

Please check it out by simply clicking this link:


Note that the space in the above link between “troop” and “661” is an underscore “_” so you can manually enter it if necessary.

The password protected galleries can be accessed using our top secret password. If you've forgotten the password or never had it, please drop a note to our webmaster and he will e-mail you the password. Please remember - do not share this password with non-Scouters or non-family members to ensure YPT is covered.

We hope you enjoy the photo galleries.

David P. Berschauer, Jeff McPherson, & Larry Geers
